“The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long yet live very little.” — Michel de Montaigne


Once there laid a girl

Soft words, bright eyes open

For years she would travel the open and inviting seas

Little did she know the clock that ticked. Was not hers to be.

In the shadows, she walked

Tithing of glory is so sad now.. to see

But Once… was a lifetime, smitten those around her be

And in this time, now long forgotten, I say to thee:

Once I lay a girl

Soft words, bright eye open

The years I traveled,

Unknowing the deep and treacherous sea

Quickly, time reminded

Soon to be forgotten

I ask myself the question:

What did I do to deserve the fruits once sweet, now lay rotten?

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