Remember Me
When I was whole
Remember me
When I was not alone

I am human
I Come from flaws of flesh
Upon these broken words
This to you
My last request

I lived once
Many years ago
I remember it
But it now 
Seems only a show

A show that came and went
As soon as the nights did spent

I tried,..
But now I no longer lie 

I sleep once more and ask..
"Will I be Remembered..
Even once more?"

Mornings came and went
Five years did this poem come as writ
To this my unspoken vow
Upon a rotted bough I sit

Remember me today
See me as you wish 

I have done my life well spent
The best I knew
The beast that won
A life, I will not repent

I am fair
I am often
I am the whisper heard
Be it 'ner
Or be it often

So remember me,..
My friend.
The words I wrote
The songs I played
May they perhaps be heard one day

But even if this is not my due
Remember if you will
As I remember you.